SPAC Europe 2020 is postponed.

New time, location and format will be announced later.

The SPAC team is deeply sorry to inform that Photokina has decided to postpone their fair with the result of SPAC Europe 2020, also being forced to postpone our conference, May 28th 2020.
The corona virus pandemic is a unique situation – and from an audience perspective, the decision to postpone Photokina is the most responsible decision and one that we fully support. Through this evolving situation, the health of our sponsors, speakers and attendees is our primary concern.
While we understand that the photography community will be disappointed, we look forward to bringing many of the elements of the SPAC experience to life during the fall, using online videos and content. 
The online content will be completely free of charge, as our ambition for organizing and hosting SPAC Europe, is to help you develop your business. 
As part of this content, the survey result will be published and we encourage everyone to attend the survey, so we get more valid data to present. So far companies from 9 countries have filled in the form.
Read more about the survey here: 
We also have an ambition to host a new conference in the future.
If you like us to inform you about the online content and our coming conferences, please register your email address in the registration form.
We would like to thank all registered attendees, sponsors and speakers around the world who have supported us. We look forward to welcoming you back at a later date.
Best regards, 
Harri, Marty and Thomas
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